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Advance registration deadline (advance payment): Wednesday 1 August 2018

The on-site registration fee will be applied to registrations made after Wednesday 1 August 2018.


Click the right button to login as a guest.


Advance registration

Please contact the organizers if there is no confirmation number in the registration e-mail.


Please attend in casual attire.

 【Reception dinner】 Wednesday 29 August [Day 1]: Please RSVP with the registration.


■■■■■■■■■■ Registration Instructions ■■■■■■■■■■

Complete the registration by clicking on the “Registration” button above.

If you are registering as a new member, please select “Member” for the registration and complete your membership application.

The advance registration will be completed once the payment has been confirmed. If the payment is not confirmed by Friday 18 August 2017, we will ask you to pay the on-site fee.


Please RSVP for the reception dinner together with the registration, as on-site seating is limited.


A notification e-mail will be sent to you after the registration form is submitted.

If you do not receive a notification e-mail, the registration may not be processed.

Your registration is not completed until the payment has been confirmed and you have received a registration confirmation e-mail.

Please note that if the payment is not processed, you will not receive a confirmation e-mail.


【Registration Information】

Please click on the “Submit new registration” button above and fill in all items.

Members will receive information about society activities and gain access to exclusive member content.


General Member: Except academic and student members

Academic Member: Researchers from universities and research institutions (non-corporate/non-profit)

Student Member: Undergraduate and graduate students

*Membership will be applied to new members after the completion of the membership application


【Registration fees】(Does not include lunch fees)

Non-member: 10,000 yen (On-site 11,000 yen)
General Member: 5,000 yen (On-site 6,000 yen)
Academic Member: 4,000 yen (On-site 5,000 yen)
Student: 3,000 yen (On-site 4,000 yen)


Reception dinner: 6,000 yen

Cancellation for the reception dinner must be made one week prior. After that, no refunds will be guaranteed.

After registration, please pay for registration fee.

You can pay by following PayPal link. 

The advance registration will be completed once the payment has been confirmed.









If the payment is not confirmed by Wed. 15 August 2018, we will ask you to pay the on-site fee, which will be collected on the day of the meeting.

Registration fees for the meeting cannot be refunded after payment has been processed. 

Register Now
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