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10th JARI 

5th JSEV

Abstract submission available


【Call for Abstracts】

The Japanese Association for RNAi (JARI) and the Japanese Society for Extracellular Vesicles (JSEV) invites researchers to submit abstracts for this year’s Annual Meeting. We welcome abstracts that cover topics related to the use of RNAi technology, and research related to exosomes and extracellular vesicles.

We accept applications from academic institutions, pharmaceutical companies, biotech and other companies. However, the organizers reserve the right to decline abstracts that are intended for the commercial purpose.

Awards will be presented to outstanding presentations. We encourage researchers at all career stages to submit an abstract.


【Guidelines for Submitting Abstracts】

Submit your abstract through the JARI website.

Membership registration is required for all presenting authors. Please complete the membership application through the website.


In general, abstracts will be selected as poster presentations; however, oral presentations will also be selected in the reviewing process. The program committee will determine the designation of poster or oral presentations, and results will be announced by e-mail.


The abstract should be less than 500 words and should fit in the template file (half A4 page). Please fill in the title, presenting authors, and affiliations according to the format of the template. Please do not change the font.


Abstract submission should be completed together with the registration. Please make sure not to submit the forms twice.



Abstract deadline: 12 June 2017 (Tuesday) 12:00 Noon

Please download the following Word template for abstract submission.








【Session Topics】 Select an appropriate session topic from the list below. Select “Other” if you do not see an appropriate session topic for your abstract.


[Session Topics]

Basic 1-1. Mechanisms of RNAi

Basic 1-2. Physiology and Disease (development, neurology, metabolism, regeneration, stem cell, cancer, immunology, ageing etc.)

Basic 1-3. Exosomes and Extracellular Vesicles 【ISEV joint session】

Basic 1-4. Other

Applied 2-1. Analytical Technology (extraction, detection, synthesis, transfection, high-throughput techniques etc.)

Applied 2-2. Applications for Diagnosis and Treatment (imaging, nucleic acid medicine, DDS etc.)

Applied 2-3. Other



Submit Abstract


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